When Charles II
was invited by Parliament to return as regent to Britain,
he reasoned that the people of Britain
wanted the best spectacle that he could manage. For the voyage across the
channel from the protestant Netherlands
he chose a sleek, fine-looking Dutch jachtschip, or "pursuit
ship", which served the purpose admirably. Restoration day was a great success.
Charles kept the jacht, or yacht, which was the first of its kind, and with it
established the sport of yachting, one of his many firsts, and the royal family
has had an official yacht ever since. Charles loved boating and advanced it
considerably, to Britain's
great advantage, as is shown by the evacuation from Dunkirk in early World War II. The yacht had
many imitators.
use of the yacht as a pleasure boat began with Charles II of Britain, as is
mentioned in the introduction to this article. The origin of pleasure-boating,
including royal pleasure-boating, is lost in prehistory. Many ancient monarchs
are said by the sources to have had pleasure boats, some quite spectacular.
Before Charles II the Jachtschip was a pursuit ship used by the Dutch to
overtake pirates. Charles' preference for a vessel of this type for his return
combined with his later patronage of pleasure-boating gave the sport the
specific cast that we call "yachting."
for pleasure was formerly the province of the wealthy due to expense and the
manpower required (because the boats were big), but today has become the
pastime of many worldwide. King Charles II of England is mentioned as enjoying
the sport in the diaries of Samuel Pepys. In Britain, the sport of yachting
became widely popular in the late Victorian (1837-1901) period. Queen Victoria
and her family maintained a fleet of sail- and steam-yachts at her residence on
the Isle of Wight. The town of Cowes on the island is
still seen by many as the world home of yachting, hosting the famous Cowes Week
sailing festival in the summer. Like most other yachting festivals, this
consists mainly of organised yacht racing by both dedicated racing yachts and a
series of 'class' events catering for the wide variety of non-dedicated yachts.
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